The new color trends for the SS26 season unfold across four captivating themes
Metal-Free Anionic Liquid Dyes
with over 350 chemical formulations
Leather is our passion every day of the year!
A reconstruction of the triptych 'The Battle of San Romano' guides the conception of the new collection of the company of chemical tanning and the setting up of its temporary show-room at Simac Tanning Tech
FGL Academy is back to ITT Galilei institute in Arzignano to train tomorrow's chemists. 16-17 March 2023
Interview with Fabrizio Ugolini
from TUScany and its Cultivations new Anti-VIral and Antibacterial substances
Vicenza on September 18th /20th 2022
The two chemical companies belonging to the Lapi Group will become a single company where the two products lines will cohexist: the wet-end phase and the finishing
Also for 2022 FGL International continues to support Leather Naturally
We are glad to inform you that starting from May 4th, FGL INTERNATIONAL is fully operative
Eligio Stoppa - Sales manager
19th to 21st february 2020
DOWNLOAD THE APPEdition of 29th November 2019 at AREA EX MARLY’S, Arzignano.
3/5 september 2019
Dresden on June 25th /28th 2019
FGL International will be attending at the PROSSIMAPELLE edition of 9th May 2019
The prestigious CRIBIS Prime Company to FGL International
20th to 22nd february 2019
1st to 3rd february 2019
Pad. 18 / K16 L19
FGL International is pleased to announce his support to Leather Naturally
Oct. 16-19, 2018 - Xi’an China
29-31 August 2018
FGL INTERNATIONAL will be closed from August 6th till 24th 2018. See you in Shanghai.
20th to 22nd february 2018
1st to 3rd february 2018
30 August - 1 September 2017
29th August 2017, at the Pullman Hotel, Shanghai South
FGL INTERNATIONAL will be closed from August 5th till 25th 2017. See you in Shanghai.
FGL International will be present at the PROSSIMAPELLE edition of 11 May 2017
FGL International has achieved another important result
21st to 23rd february 2017
23rd to 25th february 2016
Chennai1-3 February 2016
Mega Leather Show 2016Lahore- PakistanJanuary 27th-29th 2016
Pad. 9P S23/S29 T24/T30
ITALIAN LEATHER TECHNOLOGY: ALWAYS ONE STEP AHEAD"Our innovations will brighten up tanneries" that is FGL International’s philosophy and this year that concept is shown even through the calendar 2016.
ISTANBUL LEATHER FAIRISTANBUL - TurkeyNovember 3th-5th 2015
ALL CHINA LEATHER EXHIBITION31 August - 2 September 2015
FGL International will be present at ALL CHINA LEATHER EXHIBITIONPAD. 09 - Stand P29 P30
FGL INTERNATIONAL will be closed from August 10th till 21st 2015. See you in Shanghai.
Fondazione Edison Milano, 8th September 2015
FGL International, “Silver sponsor” in support of the XXXIII IULTCS 2015 international congress to be held on november 24st - 27st, 2015 in Novoamburgo - RS, Brazil
FGL International main sponsor of the AICC meeting
Fabbriche Aperte
01-03 February 2015 - Chennai
All picturesRead the article La Nazione
PAD. 09 - Stand P29 P30
..thank you from the FGL International team
YOUR GUIDE TO BRAZIL, a handy guide to follow the entire competition.
India International Leather Fair (IILF) 2014
New success for FGL International.
FGL International has successfully participated at the fair I.I.L.F.
Sponsor of one of the most important children’s hospital in Italy
FGL International will be present in TANNING TECH - Bologna - Italy october 9/11 pad. 35 stand A19 - B18
FGL INTERNATIONAL will be closed from 6th till 24th august 2012.
Addis Ababa - Ethiopia. March 1-3, 2012
Positive outcome for FGL International SpA, without any "non-compliance."
On 17 and 19 May, in the International Year of Chemistry, the companies of Lapi Group, FGL International, Figli di Guido Lapi, Toscolapi and Finikem did not miss the opportunity Federchimica offered them and decided to take part in the event named “Fabbriche Aperte” (Open Companies) which let the “outside” world enter and visit the companies and factories.
TANNERY IS OUR CORE BUSINESS. Almost 2,30 min HD film to see our profile, productions plants, warehouse, experimental tannery, Research & Development, our qualified technical support etc.
RELEASYS © the new metal-free tannage matches wet blue performance with much less effluent.
FGL International increases its production capacity by installing a new reactor at the plant of 10 tons of Castelfranco.
"FGL INTERNATIONAL is proud to announce that comes with a further step towards the sustainability and ecofriendly levels in the leather products.
The most innovative tanning process presented at the DETROIT MOTOR SHOW (SAE) has all the features need for being chosen by major car manufacturers.
Auxiliary with masking effects on free formaldehyde. You don’t need to change your standard process, just use TFR!